making a difference in the world
Here is a selection of commendations about Evarist Bartolo made by distinguished world leaders and renowned public figures.

“Our friendship and excellent relationship will remain; I had an extraordinary and positive cooperation with you!”
Miguel Angel Moratinos,
UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations.

“You have been such extraordinary, responsible and symphatic Minister, who was impressing so many others including me. Thank you for all your good leadership and for the excellent cooperation with ICMPD and myself. I will always keep this in my memories in the best way.”
Michael Spindelegger,
Former Foreign Minister of Austria.
Director of ICMPD (International Centre for Migration Policy Development).

“Thanks Evarist – Hope we can still do some work together. You have a good reputation.”
Josep Borrell,
Vice President, European Commission

“Malta’s relations with Italy keep improving thanks to you, Evarist – and for this reason, you can always count on me and my country. You were a good guide, and I will always be grateful to you.”
Luigi di Maio,
Minister for Foreign Affairs & International Co-operation
“You have been a brilliant foreign minister, full of heart, integrity, wisdom and generosity. Malta has been blessed by your service and I have been blessed with your friendship. Thank you for all that you are doing and all that you have done. Your friendship has meant a great deal to me so I hope we will always remain friends. You are a wonderful Wonderful man and I know you are dearly loved by all your family and friends. You remain a great commonwealth statesman!”
Patricia Scotland
Secretary General, Commonwealth

“Dear Evarist, I Treasure your honesty, wisdom. We need more people like you.”