
In this section, we bring you a selection of press articles published by Evarist Bartolo, some in English and others in Maltese.

Doctrine of domination

On May 4, 1493, Pope Alexander VI issued the infamous ‘Doctrine of Discovery’ decreeing that “any land not inhabited by Christians was available to be

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Meta għenuna l-Portugiżi

Ftit hu magħruf fostna kemm għenuna l-Portugiżi fl-1798 u 1799 fil-qawmien tagħna l-Maltin kontra l-Franċiżi wara li Napuljun kien keċċa lill-Ordni tal-Kavallieri.  Il-Portugall kien kontra

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X’hemm bżonn fejn tgħix?

Fil-ġurnal IL-ĦMAR tal-15 ta’ Diċembru ta’ l-1917 naqraw dawn il-versi satiriċi dwar X’HEMM BŻONN IL-ĦAMRUN: Hemm bżonn ilna nitolbu Jagħmlilna pixxatur Mhux biex tagħmel ftit

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Seconds to midnight

On 14th February 1990 NASA’s Voyager 1 took a picture of planet earth in space. The image inspired Carl Sagan’s book (May 1996), “Pale Blue

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Kif inġeddu s-7 Ġunju 1919

Għadna kemm fakkarna l-105 anniversarju tas-7 ta’ Ġunju 1919, mument storiku importanti fil-qawmien tal-poplu Malti biex jgħix ħajja diċenti, joħroġ mill-miżerja soċjali u ekonomika li

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Parish pump politics

More independent candidates than previously have decided to contest the European Parliament elections on 8 June 2024. Our society is becoming more heterogeneous. The two

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Taf min hu Ġużeppi Callus?

Għall-ħabta tas-sena 1450 bdiet tissemma li r-Re Alfonsu V ta’ Aragon (Malta kienet parti mir-renju tiegħu flimkien ma’ Sqallija, Sardenja, il-gżejjer Baleariċi u Aragon fi

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