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Meta l-patata waslet hawn

Fil-Wirja Agrarja tal-Imnarja tal-1854 kien biss Ġużeppi Bartolo mill-Mellieħa li ħa sehem bil-patata li kabbar, imma ma rebaħ l-ebda premju. Hekk jgħidilna Carmel Cassar fil-ktieb

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Losing our sovereignty

In ‘The Mouse That Roared’, Count Rupert of Mountjoy, the Prime Minister of the European Duchy of Grand Fenwick (half the size of Gozo) declares

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Our wilful blindness

We are struggling to cope with a population of 536,740 because we did not address the challenges of an increasing population identified seven years ago:

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Jerġa’ jsir lussu li ntiru?

Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea se taħdem biex tgħolli ħafna l-prezzijiet tal-biljetti tal-ajru biex in-nies jivvjaġġaw bit-tren flok bl-ajruplan. Għall-gżejjer bħal tagħna li ħafna minna u mit-turisti li

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