Malta-Sqallija: xebħ u differenzi
“Tant hu bnazzi llum li nisimgħu s-sriedak Maltin jiddnu.” Hekk kien qalli li jgħidu n-nies ta’ Palazzolo Acreide l-istudjuż Antonino Uccello 50 sena ilu meta kont nagħmel xogħol volontarju edukattiv…
“Tant hu bnazzi llum li nisimgħu s-sriedak Maltin jiddnu.” Hekk kien qalli li jgħidu n-nies ta’ Palazzolo Acreide l-istudjuż Antonino Uccello 50 sena ilu meta kont nagħmel xogħol volontarju edukattiv…
F’din is-sena li għadha kemm tibda se nkunu qed niċċelebraw s-60 sena mindu ksibna l-indipendenza nazzjonali ta’ pajjiżna. Jaħbat ukoll l-50 anniversarju mindu sirna repubblika. Se jkunu għaddew 45 sena…
Malta’s decision to accept to chair the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has saved the organization from certain death. It is better to have the OSCE in…
Small states are “damned dots”, not “real” states. They should behave and do as they are told, destined as they are to be on the losing end of geopolitics. They…
Since our first ancestors sailed from Sicily and settled on our islands nearly 8,000 years ago we have only been independent for the last 59 years. If our prehistoric and…
450,000 years ago we had elephants the size of a large dog (90 cm high) in Malta and gigantic swans double their size. In small islands small mammals increase in…
Lorenzo Milani (1923-67) was born 100 years ago into a well-to-do, intellectual and secular Florentine family. He disappointed his parents by not going to university and taking up painting instead.…
I will not be able to attend the National Environment protest on Saturday 27 May 2023, as I will not be in Malta. I hope that the protest will be…
Malta is the ninth most densely populated country of 235 countries/territories in the world (World Bank Report 2021): 1,384 persons per square kilometre. Only Monaco (26,523 per sq km), Gibraltar…
Born in the early fifties, people of my generation were brought up knowing very little about our Maltese Islands. Most of our syllabi of Geography, History and Literature were about…