Work & Career
“To live a simple life: fed, free and in dignity – Hundreds of millions are still denied this decent life. We spend billions of dollars on arms but do not have enough money to feed, educate, employ and cure everyone.” – Evarist Bartolo
Bartolo spent three years teaching at De La Salle College (Malta), another four years at the national broadcasting station and then ten years as the editor and head of news of the Labour Party media. He lectured in Communication Studies at the University of Malta.
In his political life, Evarist served as Minister for Education and Employment and Minister for Foreign and European Affairs. For some time, he also served as Shadow Minister for tourism.
Making a difference
Bartolo is a prolific writer, consistently contributing to the local media since his early teens. He is considered one of the principal ideologists within the Malta Labour Party.

He is a regular contributor to local newspapers Malta Today, Times of Malta, the Malta Independent, L-Orizzont and it-Torċa. Evarist has worked to push progressive policies within the Labour Party and in the public discourse.
Over the years, Evarist Bartolo has championed civil liberties and civil and social rights. He campaigned for a more liberal press law, removing censorship and promoting the Freedom of Information Act. Evarist Bartolo was also a vital contributor to the introduction of the ‘Whistleblower Act’ and the Act for removing any legal time-barring for Maltese politicians.