POLItical career

Evarist Bartolo is a veteran Labour Party politician; among other fields, he has devoted his work to Education, International & European Affairs, Culture and Tourism.

He served as Minister of Education and National Culture under a Labour government between 1996 and 1998. Later, he served as Minister for Education and Employment and also Minister for Foreign and European Affairs.

In his position as Minister for Foreign Affairs, he worked on strengthening Malta’s reputation in bilateral relations and EU-Africa relations.

Evarist leaves a lasting mark on his stewardship in furthering Malta’s relations with the Gulf States, promoting diplomatic studies and awareness about the migration crises. He is known for his efforts to help find peace in the Libyan conflict.

“This milestone bill legalising divorce in Malta was approved in Parliament in October 2011 following a successful referendum campaign.”

Minister Bartolo will also be remembered for being a leading proponent of civil rights in Malta, co-sponsoring a Parliamentary Bill for the introduction of divorce legislation in Malta.